

Gallery: Lawn Alternatives

Dymondia Lawn and Color
Star Jasmine, Maile Haole
Red Leaf Fringe Flower
Mexican Bush Sage, Mexican Sage
Firebird Border Penstemon (red)
Tree Roses selections
Blue Star Creeper, Isotoma
Golden Breath Of Heaven
Evergreen Candytuft
Star Jasmine, Maile Haole

Common name:Star Jasmine, Maile Haole
Botanical name:Trachelospermum jasminoides

Star Jasmine is an evergreen vine that grows 20' tall or a ground cover that reaches 1'-2' tall and 4'-5' wide. It has white fragrant flowers in the summer and can tolerate sun or partial shade. The star jasmine needs regular watering. Leaves are dark green, oval, thick, about 2" long. This is a great plant on a trellis, in containers or in a parking strip.

Red Leaf Fringe Flower

Common name:Red Leaf Fringe Flower
Botanical name:Loropetalum chinense v. rubrum

Red Fringe Flower is a 6'-12' shrub with arching branches and light green and reddish leaves .

Mexican Bush Sage, Mexican Sage

Common name:Mexican Bush Sage, Mexican Sage
Botanical name:Salvia leucantha

The Mexican Sage is a bushy shrub that grows 3'-4' tall and wide. It has hairy white stems, grey-green leaves and velvet-like purple flower spikes that bloom summer through fall. This shrub tolerates sun, light shade, little water, and is hardy to 15 degrees F. The Mexican Sage attracts hummingbirds. Be careful not to overwater. -Cornflower Farms


Common name:Sago-Palm
Botanical name:Cycas revoluta

Sago Palm resembles small palms; it is evergreen. It can slowly grow to 10'. It is used for a tropical effect and also looks great in planters. In the low desert, light shade and additional moisture are best. Side sprouts can form multi-trunked individuals. Apply fertilizer at leaf expansion. This plant has few pests.

Firebird Border Penstemon (red)

Common name:Firebird Border Penstemon (red)
Botanical name:Penstemon 'Firebird'

Penstemon gloxiniodes 'Firebird' is perennial with spectacular red flowers in spring and fall. This dependable plant quickly reaches 3' tall, with lance-shaped, dark green leaves on stems. Trumpet shaped flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Plant in full sun in coastal areas but provide afternoon shade in warm inland areas. It has low watering needs but will do better with extra summer water in hot inland valleys. It need well draining soil. Penstemon should be replaced every 5 years.

Tree Roses selections

Common name:Tree Roses selections
Botanical name:Rosa Tree varieties

Tree roses are actually shrubs that have been grafted or grown in a way that looks like a tree, ie with a trunk. Tree roses can be floribundas, hybrid teas, or grandifloras. They are typically used as specimen plants. Make sure the plant is tied to a stake in case of strong winds.

Blue Star Creeper, Isotoma

Common name:Blue Star Creeper, Isotoma
Botanical name:Pratia pedunculata

Pratia pedunculata has bright green, nearly stemless, 1/4" leaves. In late spring and summer, these form a backdrop for equally tiny, star-shaped pale blue flowers.

Golden Breath Of Heaven

Common name:Golden Breath Of Heaven
Botanical name:Coleonema pulchellum 'Sunset Gold'

Golden Breath of Heaven is a fine, textured, low growing shrub to 10" high and wide with bright yellow foliage. It is excellent for rock gardens. It is drought tolerant. -Cornflower Farms

Evergreen Candytuft

Common name:Evergreen Candytuft
Botanical name:Iberis sempervirens

This Evergreen Candytuft is a compact plant that grows 12"-18" tall. Its leaves are dark green in color; in the early spring, it exhibits clusters of pure white flowers that are borne at branch ends.


Dymondia Lawn and Color
Image: 27 of 42

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.