Common name:Mayten Tree
Botanical name:Maytenus boaria
The Mayten Tree is a slow growing tree that grows to 40' tall. It has weeping branches and dark green leaves. This tree can sucker in lawns and requires good drainage. It is drought tolerant.- Cornflower Farms
Common name:Upright Maiden Grass
Botanical name:Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus'
The 'Gracillimus' is a taller variety, often growing to 6'-8' tall with delicate feathery plumes and very thin graceful leaves. It should receive sun to part shade, and average to little summer watering. Tall grasses are highly combustible.
Common name:White Gaura
Botanical name:Gaura lindheimeri
White Gaura is a profusely flowering perennial for all zones; it grows 2'-4' high. It has pink buds that open to showy white flowers in spring and fall. It needs full sun and is drought tolerant.
-Cornflower Farms
Designer: Michelle Derviss
Photographer: Michelle Derviss
Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.
Mulching and adding compost to soil can minimize evaporation and help soil absorb and store water.
Remove irrigation water and fertilizer from areas where you don't want weeds to grow.